Your doctor’s approach to treating neuropathy in legs and feet depends on why it occurred in the first place. The good news is that most nerve entrapments and neuropathy incidents do not require surgery to resolve. The sooner you address these health conditions, the better your chances of avoiding surgery and long-term damage from whatever is causing your nerve pain.
There is no one cause of neuropathy and nerve entrapment. Several factors can put people at risk of developing these conditions:
If you suffer from nerve pain, the first treatment for neuropathy in legs and feet will likely include pain medication. From there, your doctor might recommend the following:
Anti-inflammatory medicines: You may receive prescriptions for oral medications or the doctor could administer cortisone injections. Some over-the-counter medications also provide relief.
Surgery: In worst-case scenarios, your doctor can conduct surgery to repair the nerve damage and decompress the nerve. This type of surgery is rarely invasive and has fast recovery times.
Icing: Sometimes just icing the foot can help the affected nerve heal quickly. Your doctor will advise you on whether this is enough, after evaluating your case.
Physical therapy: As part of your healing and recovery process, you may need physical therapy to regain your mobility. Physical therapy improves flexibility.
Orthotics: Between physical therapy sessions, you might rely on the use of shoe pads to provide relief.
Massage: For even greater relief, many patients turn to massages from professionals or their loved ones.
When it comes to neuropathy and nerve entrapment, it is best not to self-diagnose and self-medicate. Let an experienced foot doctor determine what solutions might best provide you with relief and preserve your health. Schedule an appointment with Greenville Foot & Ankle to treat neuropathy in legs and feet.